Beyond Blue


Watercolour | 24.5″ x 44″

On this strangely mild October afternoon we headed off in anticipation along our usual route. The reeds were ok, but nothing in particular was jumping out at me or stopping me in my tracks. The light seemed flat.  We head for the sea. Climbing up and over the shingle bank we could hear the waves crashing on the other side and feel the ground shudder as each wave landed through our feet. At this my heart quickens and I’m smiling to no one in particular. And there it is. The waves are rolling in at the bottom of the bank just where it begins to flatten out. It’s the relentless rhythm of this deafening silence that I love. This stops me in my tracks and we just stand and watch, with a camera in each hand, sketchbook and pens in pocket.

After a few minutes we gradually become aware that the sky is darkening on the horizon….quite dramatically. Just for a second we glance over our shoulders at the distance we are from shelter. Hey ho, we’re going to get wet, it happens! At this moment the sky seems to lighten behind us with breaks in the cloud where the sun comes out. The back lighting on the waves against the dark blue horizon is stunning! So often these moments are transient, they arrive and leave in a few seconds, but this went on and on. After maybe twenty minutes we realised the menacing horizon wasn’t actually coming towards us, it was passing by sideways, taking its dramatic lighting effects with it. The sun was still out behind us so once the drama in front passed us by we ambled back across the marshes enjoying sparkly pools of light in the water here and there, but I was still feeling slightly heady from our experience, knowing there were paintings to be done.


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