I am a full time, still life and portrait painter, specialising in miniature painting.
I focus on painting everyday objects that surround me, spending time observing and honing my skills to master depicting the beauty in day to day items. My work is characterised by my attention to detail. I am inspired by the old masters and I’m drawn to studying work where light, tone and value create the drama.
Using a limited palette, of often just four colours, I mindfully contemplate the objects and depict what is there in front of me. I aim to draw the viewer into my work, so they too can spend a moment quietly observing an object that very often would be overlooked. Each still life piece has between 20 – 30 hours spent on it – and about 30 years of practice! Even my miniature works often have a similar amount of time spent on them.
I haven’t studied art at university, I’m a self-taught artist. This has allowed me to follow my own path and not be deterred away from painting what inspires me. I have been painting for over 30 years now, however will always consider myself to still be learning, which excites and drives me forward. I still make the regular pilgrimage to the London galleries to study the works by the grand masters for inspiration. I also regularly visit contemporary galleries and artists to pick their brains about techniques and inspirations.
In 2016 I was elected and associate member of the Royal Miniature Society, then in 2018 I was granted full membership to the Society. I am now an active officer, contributing to the running of the Society as their publicity officer. In 2018 I was awarded a Gold Bowl Honourable Mention and the Presidents award for a larger piece. Then at the RMS annual exhibition in 2019 I was awarded the Best Set of Miniatures Award.
Recently, I have exhibited work with the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition, Ruth Borchard Exhibition, Royal Institute of Oil Painters, Royal Society of British Artists, Sugarlift Gallery New York, ING Discerning Eye Exhibition along with many other exhibitions. My work is collected all over the world and many pieces have travelled to Europe, America, Hong Kong and Australia.
Apples, Pears and Copper Kettle
£325.00 -
Cherries in Oriental Bowl
£325.00 -
Damson by Candlelight
£895.00 -
Figs with Hourglass
£325.00 -
£895.00 -
Lemons with Silver Jug
£895.00 -
Mixed Grapes and Silver Jug
£325.00 -
Oranges and Lemons
£325.00 -
Stoneware Jug with Plums
£945.00 -
Strawberries with Silver Jug